

How To Set Web Guiding Device on Wity Slitting Machine

Date: 2022.08.22   Views: 1007

The web guiding system is one of the most basic device on the wity slitting machines, such as DFQ-A serial and FQL serial. Here we will show how to set this web guiding device model VF2000 briefly.

1. Operation Panel Overview

2. Parameter Setting Table

Name of Menu Parameters Adjustment Range Default Value
1. Sensitivity 2-100 10
2. Automatic Polarity 1. Forward   2. Reverse Forward
3. Manual  1. Forward   2. Reverse
4. Speed  10%-100% 90%
5. Blind Area Setting 1%-80% 1%
6. Cpmpensation Setting -40%--40% 0%
7. Boot-Up State 1. Manual boot  2. Automatoc boot 3. Recover shutdown state Manual boot
8. Sensor Selection 1. Ultrasonic left  2. Ultrasonic right  3.Ultrosonic left+right  4.Photoelectric Ultrasonic left
9. Photoelectirc Sensor Valid when photoelectric sensor is selected, invalid when ultrosinic is not selected -------
10. *DriveMode Selction* 1. Brushless motor 2. Brush motor Brushless
11. *Motor Power* 15-100W 50W
12.*Center Limit Mode* 1. Mode 1   2. Mode 2   3. Mode Mode 1
13.*Language* 1. Chinese  2.English Chinese
14.*Restore Factory Settings* 1. Yes   2. No --------

3. This device on Slitting Machine DFQ-A/ FQLserial, please click for more details.

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